The goal of The Burnout to Blessed Podcast is to help women rediscover themselves and reclaim their happiness by overcoming burnout and staying out of burnout by finding their God-given purpose. Ditch the ”I should” and ”I need to get this done” thoughts by learning to manage your mind, break bad habits, and reach any goal you have your heart set on! This podcast will teach you how to take back control of your time, break your self sabotaging behaviors, and become the best version of yourself. You can expect to reclaim your happiness by discovering your God led purpose and making your ideal life a reality. Yes, you can have it all!
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Ep 5: Step 5 - Move On To Success
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
In today’s episode we are going to release the negative emotions that we uncovered in last week’s episode. So if you haven’t listened to last week’s episode, I encourage you to do so, in order to effectively move on from your past.
The goal is to release the negative emotions so that they no longer control your actions and negatively impact your future.
We will then identify what we learned and how the situation, circumstance, or relationship benefited us. Becoming at peace with your circumstance will allow you to actually “move on”, not move on in “theory”, but “actually” move on.
Lastly, we will learn how to “actually” heal, not heal in “theory!”
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
Remember one step at a time, you've got this!
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Ep 4: Step 4 - Learn What Led You to Burnout
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
In today’s episode we'll discover what led you to develop self sabotaging behaviors which as we discussed in the last episode are your intangible obstacles.
We will learn the following:
✔ What negative emotions we are trying to avoid at all costs that cause us to unconsciously behave the way that we do.
✔ What positive emotions we are trying to recreate that cause us to unconsciously behave the way that we do.
✔ What expectations we have ourselves that cause us to unconsciously behave the way that we do.
✔ What expectations we THINK others have of us that cause us to unconsciously behave the way that we do.
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
- Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
Remember one step at a time! You’ve got this :-)
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Ep 3 : Step 3 - How to Achieve Any Goal
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
In today’s episode we identify what is stopping you from completing your goals. In this case, your goal is to overcome burnout and you can’t seem to understand why you’re having such a difficult time in achieving this goal.
We will learn the following:
✔ Identify your mental obstacles that are getting in the way of completing your goals.
- AKA identifying your self sabotaging thinking patterns that lead to self sabotaging behaviors
✔ Identify your tangible obstacles that are getting in the way of overcoming burnout
- AKA time, money, etc.
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
You've got this!
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Ep 2: Step 2 - Consequences of Burnout
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Now that you’ve identified where you’re at in the burnout process it’s time to uncover how stress and burnout is affecting your life.
✔ In today’s episode, we will uncover the negative consequences of how burnout is impacting your life.
✔ Not only will we uncover how burnout is currently impacting your life, we will identify how burnout can impact your life in the future. In other words, what will become of your life if you do not take action to manage your stress more effectively.
The goal of today’s episode is for you to come to terms with your reality and to make the DECISION to MAKE A CHANGE.
That way you never have to experience the potential devastation that burnout could have on your life.
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
You've got this!
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Ep 1 Part 2: How to Overcome Burnout
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
If you feel that something is “off” or if you can identify with burnout this episode is for you.
In today’s episode we cover the last two phases of burnout.
Phase 3 = Victim
- During the Victim Phase you blame your circumstances for your stress and overwhelm.
For example:
- Your manager’s difficult to please
- Your colleagues are difficult to work with
- Your family isn’t supportive enough
- During this phase you’re complaining to anyone that will listen about what is stressing you out and how you’re a victim of circumstance.
- Because your circumstances are to blame you’re constantly looking to change your circumstance, only to find yourself back in the same circumstance.
During this phase you’re extremely cynical and are unable to look on the bright side. Therefore the weight of your emotional baggage walks you right into the last phase of burnout.
Phase 4 = Total Burnout
- Your thoughts have shifted from “it’s everyone else’s fault” to “it’s my fault.” Therefore, you’re feeling inadequate in every area of your life.
- During this phase you feel that you have no control over your circumstances.
- At this point, you’re aware that you need to make a change, but you don’t know how or where to start. Therefore, you feel like your situation will never get better. This results in feeling both hopeless and helpless.
The first step in the process to managing your stress effectively and overcoming burnout is to have the courage to become self aware.
You can’t solve a problem if you don’t even realize that you have a problem in the first place.
- Determine where you are at in the burnout process.
I’ll make it easy on you, take this quiz to identify where you’re at in the process:
Plus, download the Are You Burned Out Checklist
I highly recommend completing the checklist yourself and then providing the checklist to someone that you’re close to and have them assess where you’re at in the burnout process.
Sometimes two eyes are better than one, because let’s face it, it’s hard to spot our blind spots.
Lastly, in order to create the foundation needed to overcome burnout it’s important to determine your before and after.
- Utilize this self reflection exercise to determine when you were happy and when things started to shift for you and you became discontent.
- Self Awareness Exercise
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
You've got this!
Tara Reinbolt
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Ep 1 Part 1: How to Overcome Burnout
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Let me guess, you think you’re just stressed out and you’re not even close to burning yourself out? If this is you, this episode is made just for you.
In today’s episode we cover the first two phases of burnout.
Phase 1 = Ambition
- During the Ambition Phase you’re focused on your future and meeting your goals. Therefore, your ambition propels you to take action that allows you to meet your goals.
- You're taking on more responsibility, but not taking any responsibility or tasks away.
This action propels you right into the next phase of burnout.
Phase 2 = “If Only”
- You're focused on completing your to-do list. The only catch is that your to-do list keeps growing and no matter what you just can't seem to catch up.
- Your main thoughts are "If only I could get this done I will be satisfied,” and “If only I can get this done, I’ll be one step closer to achieving my goals.”
This hamster wheel of thoughts propels you right into frustration because there is never enough time in the day to get “all the things done” that you “should” be getting done.
The frustration then walks you right into the third phase of burnout.
Additionally, I walk you through how you’re creating habits by following the same process over and over again.
The first step in the process to managing your stress effectively and overcoming burnout is to have the courage to become self aware.
You can’t solve a problem if you don’t even realize that you have a problem in the first place.
- Determine where you are at in the burnout process.
I’ll make it easy on you, take this quiz to identify where you’re at in the process:
Plus, download the Are You Burned Out Checklist
Want to learn more about overcoming burnout? Please visit my website for more information.
Want me to cover a particular topic on the podcast?
Email me at
And I’ll try my best to cover it!
You've got this!
Tara Reinbolt, Career Coach
Tara Reinbolt is a Career Coach that specializes in helping career-driven women rediscover their happiness by overcoming burnout.
Tara has an extensive Human Resources background, is a wife, a mother of 2, and since leaving her corporate job has made it her mission to help women take back control and start living life on their terms.